
Half hrothgar, half lupin, full-time friend.

General Info

At A Glance

Name: Awoo
Age: 22
Birthday: 16th Sun of the First Moon
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/Them
Orientation: Aromantic
Height: 5'9
Occupation: Barkeep


  • Triple Triad

  • Cooking Eggs (only fried or scrambled)

  • Making Friends

  • Their Mom

  • Flirting

  • Saying "Pawesome"


  • Police

  • Authority In General

  • Rowdy Customers

  • People That Can't Keep Secrets

  • Cheaters In Triple Triad

  • Tummy Aches



Born from a hrothgar mother and lupin father, Awoo was named after the first sound they ever made. They were born with a hrothgar body and a lupin head and tail.Awoo was raised solely by their mother, and they spent the most of their life moving around, their mother relocating the two of them to protect Awoo from the often-present prejudice against people with parents of different races.Awoo's mother worked hard to support the two of them, eventually being able to save up and purchase a tavern in Ul'duh, naming it The Howl after Awoo. Her charm and warmth, something Awoo quickly picked up, made the tavern an instant hit.Now, Awoo is the main barkeep of The Howl, using their charisma to keep people entertained, content, and coming back.


Awoo is, at the end of it all, a mamma's boy. They want nothing more than to take care of their mother now in her older age, in the same way that she took care of them growing up. They hope to eventually save up enough gil (and be lucky enough in the lottery) to buy her a comfortable house, and perhaps work their charm to find her a better partner than Awoo's father was.They have no romantic aspirations, preferring to instead have a bit of fun from time to time with friends, or the occasional handsome stranger. Their mother often pesters them about finding their own partner, as much as they've tried to explain they don't want one. Awoo is very friendly and easy to get along with, having picked up their mother's charm as a barkeep, and is always open to new friends, but very few stand among the ranks of people they are truly devoted to.Currently they work full time at The Howl, running the front of the bar while their mother keeps track of the accounting (Awoo was always bad with money). It's rare to find them outside the bar, so if you do then it's your lucky day!


Half Lupin

Awoo being half hrothgar and half lupin has surely lead to some interesting circumstances in their life. Their lupin traits are probably the first thing people notice about them, it might just be the thing that has most shaped their personality.


Running The Howl is a full time job, especially now that their mother is nearing retirement. Surely Awoo has many stories about rowdy patrons or shady dealings happening there.

Mamma's Boy

Awoo is a mamma's boy, spark up a conversation about their mother and it'll be hard to get them to stop! From lessons they've learned from her to just how she's doing, it's clear that Awoo loves their mom.

The Howl

The Howl is a quiet tavern located in Ishgard. The downstairs has space at the bar for people to socialize together or with Awoo, booths for parties to spend time with a bit of privacy, or a triple triad board surrounded by cushions for casual games.The bar tends to be on the quieter side and a bit more intimate, people preferring to come and unwind rather than coming to party. While it might not be the most energized place, the calm that patrons find there brings its own appeal.Awoo tends to run The Howl on their own, making sure to get to know the regulars and take care of all the patrons. They will also occasionally host triple triad tournaments at the bar, low stakes games mainly as an excuse to get some practice in with their decks, even if they lose gil on the wagers.

(The Howl is located in the basement at Aether / Faerie / Goblet / Ward 30 / Plot 10)

OOC Info

Thank you for checking out my carrd! I'm just getting into roleplay on FFXIV, so forgive me if I'm not the best! I also only started playing right before DT dropped, so apologies for not being the most knowledgeable on the lore. I just started roleplaying seriously when I joined my DND party a couple years ago, and I've been loving it so much, I want to get into roleplay here!I'm 27 in real life and I go by Mittens. I love meeting people and making new friends! Feel free to send me a tell if you like my carrd! If my roleplaying tag is off, that means I'm out of character, but if you let me know you're in character I might join you!I don't roleplay with minors or child characters, and I'm not looking for erotic or romantic roleplay in general. I can get down to erotic from time to time, but I'm not actively seeking it out and if that's all you want then you can move along! If my RP tag isn't on then I'm OOC and will respond in kind unless you ask me to do a scene. I will share my mare with those who ask so they can see Awoo's sculpt and such, but if you're naked under mare and don't tell me then I'll unpair.